by Afshin Molavi | Jul 29, 2019 | Africa Business, Articles, Emerging Market Multinationals, Emerging Markets, Globalization, North Africa Commerce/Economy, Saudi Arabia Economy, United Arab Emirates Economy, West Asia Economies
By Afshin Molavi If you want to understand our collective future, look no further than Africa. Let us start with the obvious: Africa’s demographics. According to UN projections, Africa’s population is set to double by 2050 to 2.4 billion. Looking further ahead to the...
by Afshin Molavi | Jul 27, 2019 | Africa Business, Articles, Belt and Road Initiative, DubaiSilkRoad, Mediterranean Sea Region, North Africa Commerce/Economy, West Asia Economies
By Afshin Molavi – Shortly before Greece’s recent election, the gifted orator and then-Prime Minister Alexei Tsipras delivered a rousing speech to a cheering throng of supporters, at one point declaring that his main opponent could not achieve what he was...
by Afshin Molavi | Jul 15, 2019 | Africa Business, East Africa, NewPost, Photos
The bustling heart of Gikomba market in Nairobi. It swells to a million-strong on any given Saturday. Photo Courtesy of Vahid Fotuhi, Clean Energy Entrepreneur, delivering sustainable energy to Africa and Asia – and a darn good photographer too! I look forward...
by Afshin Molavi | Jun 7, 2019 | Africa Business, DubaiSilkRoad, East Africa, Egypt, Emerging Markets, Indian Ocean-istan, Logistics, NewPost, North Africa Commerce/Economy, Original Articles, Red Sea Economies, Saudi Arabia Economy, Trade
Photo: Red Sea Gateway Terminal at Jeddah Islamic Port Red Sea Economies/Population and Exports at a Glance Country Population GDP Top Export Destination Saudi Arabia 32.3 M $782.4 B China Egypt 95.7 M $245.6 B Italy Sudan 39.6 M $33.9 B UAE Yemen 27.6M $26.9 B China...
by Afshin Molavi | Apr 15, 2019 | Africa Business, China Economy, Development, Emerging Markets, India Economy, NewPost, Original Articles, Top Ten Lists
Photo: A view from King George VI Street at Arat Kilo District, Addis Ababa, capital of the the third fastest-growing economy in the world. The IMF has just published its latest World Economic Outlook, including a downward revision to its earlier global growth...
by Afshin Molavi | Sep 24, 2018 | Africa Business
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